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HOW to do Walk With Me

Our original one-hour experiential learning workshops involved fewer than 20 participants at a time. During the course of a single day, one group after another visited a series of five "stations" in a large room, metaphorically taking steps together on the path to voicing truths and building reconciliation.

For a summary overview of the logistical and administrative considerations
for producing Walk With Me


Setting up the Room

Step 1

Grounding In Place

At this first station, participants are invited to learn more about the Indigenous name of their place of birth or where they currently reside.

Step 2

Connecting with Stories

At this station, participants are invited to take another step on the path where they find waiting for them on a table some short excerpts from memoirs, poetry, fiction, historical documents, song lyrics, and testimonies about the impact of colonialism on Indigenous peoples. In groups of three of four they are invited to choose one with a title that intrigues them, and discuss the reading together.

Step 3

Embodying the Stories

At this station, participants are given two handouts. One guides them through a creative process of identifying where someone in the story strove to hold onto their inherently buoyant, resilient, and loving spirits while experiencing extraordinarily oppressive circumstances. The other handout offers them a simple technique for collaboratively devising a short performative response to what they find, grounded in their own personal experience.

Step 4

Performing Our Empathetic Response to the Stories

At this station, each group takes turns offering their brief performances based on the elements in their readings that had moved them and resonated with something in their own lives. After each group’s presentation, their audience of other participants reflect on what they heard and saw. The performers then share their own thoughts on the links between the performed piece they have created and the story they have read.

Step 5

Closure, Reflections, and Looking Forward

At this final station, participants find handouts and flyers identifying specific actions one can take to build respectful, sustainable relationships and friendships with Indigenous people and their communities, and to support aspirations for social justice.

Full PDF with all five steps and printable handouts and signs

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